



ŠĀPUR (Shapur) I

February 1st, 2024|Comments Off on ŠĀPUR (Shapur) I

The article below by the late Iranologist Shapur Shahbazi (1942-2006) on ŠĀPUR (Shapur) I was originally posted in the Encyclopedia Iranica. Kindly


Battle Simulation: Celtic Warrior versus Iranian Immortal Guard

By |September 19th, 2023|Categories: Achaemenid Military History, Achaemenids, Europa and Eire-An (Ancient Iran/Persia), Iran and Europe, News, Scythian|

One primary that has been not been asked in depth by military historians (and historians in general) is what would have happened if the armies

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Bridge between East and West: Iranian plateau in the Pleistocene Era

By |September 14th, 2023|Categories: Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Anthropology, Archaeology, Pleistocene|

The article "Iranian plateau in Pleistocene: a bridge between East and West" written by Afshin Majlesi was published in the Tehran Times on May 9,

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The Drafsh Kaviani Emblem and its connections to the European-Gothic Cross

By |September 5th, 2023|Categories: Europa and Eire-An (Ancient Iran/Persia)|

The article below was first published on the Musings of the Masis: Posts of my observations from Byzantine, Persian and Armenian History website on April

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Cataphracts: Armored Cavalry Warriors

By |August 31st, 2023|Categories: Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Parthian, Parthian Military History, Sassanian Military History, Sassanians, Scythian|

The article “Cataphracts: Armored Warriors and their Horses of War” written by Ḏḥwty was published in Ancient Origins on June 27, 2018. Kindly note that:

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Chinese-Iranian Relations in Pre-Islamic Times

By |August 22nd, 2023|Categories: Achaemenids, Anthropology, Archaeology, Central Asia, China, Culture, Greece-Persia Links, Heritage, India and Asia, Iran and Central Asia, Parthian, Sassanians|

This article by Edwin G. Pulleyblank on Chinese-Iranian relations was originally published in the Encyclopedia Iranica on December 15, 1991 and last updated on October

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Marco Polo and the Persian Gulf

By |August 15th, 2023|Categories: Heritage, Ilkhanid, Iran and Europe, Iran and the Persian Gulf, Martime Technology, Medieval: 652 A.D. – 1500 A.D., Persian Gulf|

The Italian explorer and merchant Marco Polo (1254-1324) is famous in history for his epic journey along the ancient Silk Route where he traveled into

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