The prestigious Spanish military journal “Desperta Ferro Antigua y Medieval” has published an article by Kaveh Farrokh on the cavalry forces of the Achaemenids at the time of the Achaemenid-Persian Wars with ancient Greece. For more information on this article, click the link below in

Farrokh, K. (2024). Cabalgando para el gran rey. La caballería aqueménida en tiempos de las Guerras Médicas [Riding for the great king. The Achaemenid cavalry at the time of the Persian Wars]. Desperta Ferro Antigua y Medieval, 85, pp.14-19.

The article examines the development of Achaemenid (or Teispid-Achaemenid) cavalry from its early stages during the reign of Cyrus II (r.559-530 BCE) The Great and into the time of the Greek Wars, during the reigns of Darius I (r. 522-486 BCE) and his successor, Xerxes I (r.486-465 BCE).

For more on the topic of ancient cavalry warfare see:

A late Achaemenid armored heavy cavalryman (Source: Realm of History). Note the wing-like “Ranban” (leg/thigh protector).