-يک دناريوس کمياب رومي از لابينوس با لقب “پارتيکوس” که در پشت آن اسب پارتي با زين و تيردان ايراني ديده ميشود، ضرب ضرابخانه سيار در اسياي کوچک در سال 40 پيش از ميلاد. -A rare Roman Dinarius coin from Asia Minor dated to approxinately 40 BC. This bears the legend “Q LABINENVS PARTHICVS” (at left). Note the Parthian horse and details provided on equestrian furniture and the –تيردان –Tirdan (Iranian arrow case) (at right). The Tirdan and medallion display resemble that seen by the Elite Sassanian Cavalry-اسواران ساسانی- in their earlier phases over 250 years later (Source: Iran Archeology Facebook Group).