Textbooks and Articles on Sassanian Military History

Sassanian Empire’s Wars

      The Romano-Byzantine Frontiers (an overview)

      Wars of Ardashir I
      Wars of Shapur I

       Bahram V

      The Late Sassanian Era and Wars with Byzantium

      The Wars of Khosrow II

Sassanian Military Architecture 

      The Wall of Gorgan and the Central Asian Frontier

      The Wall of Darband (Derbent) in the Caucasus

      Western Iran

      Northwest Iran

Military Organization, Elite Units, Troops, Tactics, Training & Jousting

        Sassanian Savaran and Cavalry Units

        Sassanian Paighan and Professional Combat Infantry

       The Caucasus and Northeastern/Central Asian Marches

       Martial Training

      Tactics & Organization

      Military Titles & Banners

Sassanian Siege Warfare

Sassanian Psychological Warfare

Armaments & Military Equipment

Logistics & Support

Bahram Chobin

      Firearms and Bahram Chubin

      Bahram Chobin in Historical Novels

Battle Elephants

Sassanian Military Legacy

Websites, Recreations and Videos

Recommended Further Readings

       Historical Novels