The photographs below of ancient Kahib in Daghestan were forwarded by Guseyn Guseynov to on March 1, 2015. Additional photographs of Kahib will be posted in October 2015.

Ancient Mountain Village: Overview

The below photographs are of the ancient mountain village at Kahib, Daghestan in the Caucasus.

Kahib-Dagestan-4A view of the ancient village of Kahib, note the tower (Source: Guseyn Guseynov).

Kahib-Dagestan-1The tower at Kahib. It is not clear what function this tower served; perhaps this an observatory and/or served some type of religious function (Source: Guseyn Guseynov).

Kahib-Dagestan-8Walled settlement at Kahib (Source: Guseyn Guseynov).

Kahib-Dagestan-11Pathway in Kahib (Guseyn Guseynov).


There is an archway at Kahib which bears strong parallels to architecture of the Sassanian era (224-651 CE).

Kahib-Dagestan-6This archway bears an almost exact resemblance to one of the archways at the ancient Ādur-Gushnasp or Shiz (modern-day Takhte Suleiman) Fire-Temple in Iran’s Azarbaijan province (Source: Guseyn Guseynov). The Ādur-Gushnasp sacred fire was dedicated to the Arteshtaran (Elite warriors) of the Sassanian Spah (Modern Persian: Sepah = Army). For more on Ādur-Gushnasp, read here…

The photograph below shows the parallels between Sassanian architecture and that of ancient Kahib, in Daghestan of the Caucasus.

Takhte-Suleiman-2The archway at the ancient Ādur-Gushnasp or Shiz (modern-day Takhte Suleiman) Fire-Temple in Iran’s Azarbaijan province (Source: World Historia).

Symbols Carved upon Stone Bricks

The stones of the ancient village often feature various symbols and depictions; again their meaning and symbolism remain open to speculation but were evidently part of an ancient culture indigenous to the Caucasus.

Kahib-Dagestan-9Five-pointed star and upside down bird (Source: Guseyn Guseynov).

Kahib-Dagestan-2Eroded “Chevron” motifs (Source: Guseyn Guseynov).

Kahib-Dagestan-3Left stone brick depicting a dog and possibly a horse (?); right stone brick with a “Plus” sign, possibly a pagan cross (?) (Source: Guseyn Guseynov).