

Rare Iranian Manuscript registered in UNESCO Memory of the World

By |2020-07-01T22:38:40-07:00November 22nd, 2017|Education, Heritage, Learning, Literature, Military History 700-1899, News|

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Ancient Zoroastrian Temple discovered in Northern Turkey

By |2020-07-01T22:38:41-07:00November 15th, 2017|Achaemenids, Anthropology, Archaeology, Christianity and Iran, Cultural and Endangered Sites, Cultural News and Events, Culture, Europa and Eire-An (Ancient Iran/Persia), Greece-Persia Links, Heritage, Iran and Caucasia, Iran and Europe, Iran and Turkey, Judeo-Christian Theology, Medes, Mithraism, Mythology and Nowruz, People of Iran and Origins, Pre-Achaemenid, Turco-Iranian or Persianate Civilization, Zoroastrianism|

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Shireen T. Hunter: The New Geopolitics of the South Caucasus

By |2020-07-01T22:38:41-07:00November 4th, 2017|Book Review, Heritage, Historical Revisionism, Iran and Caucasia, Iran and Europe, Military History 700-1899, People of Iran and Origins, Turco-Iranian or Persianate Civilization|

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Cyrus the Great and the Founding Fathers of the United States

By |2020-07-01T22:38:41-07:00October 28th, 2017|Achaemenids, Christianity and Iran, Cyrus the Great, Europa and Eire-An (Ancient Iran/Persia), Greece-Persia Links, Heritage, Iran and Europe, Jews and Iran, Judeo-Christian Theology|

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Scythians: Warriors of Ancient Siberia

By |2020-07-01T22:38:42-07:00September 17th, 2017|Heritage, Iran and Central Asia, Iran and Europe, Military History 1900-Present, News, People of Iran and Origins, Scythian|

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