The Battle of Nisibis (217 CE)
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-06-08T13:41:47-07:00June 7th, 2023|Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Iran and Europe, Parthian, Parthian Military History, Sassanian Military History, Sassanians|
The Ancient Art of Making Ships in Southern Iran
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-05-17T19:14:14-07:00May 16th, 2023|Achaemenid Military History, Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Martime Technology, Parthian, Parthian Military History, Sassanian Military History, Sassanians, UNESCO|
The Achaemenid Superpower of the Ancient World
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-05-12T14:14:12-07:00May 11th, 2023|Achaemenid Military History, Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Greece-Persia Links, Iran and Europe|
Stone-arch Tunnel Discovered near Achaemenid Dam
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-05-05T12:31:35-07:00May 4th, 2023|Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Archaeology, Engineering, Iran and Central Asia, UNESCO|