The Amesha Espentas
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-04-28T08:33:02-07:00April 28th, 2023|Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Archaeology, Central Asia, Iran and Central Asia, Kushan, Mythology and Nowruz, Parthian, Sassanians, Zoroastrianism|
- The Ancient and Enigmatic Site of Susa Gallery
The Ancient and Enigmatic Site of Susa
Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Anthropology, Archaeology, Architecture, Bronze Age, Cultural and Endangered Sites, Engineering, Heritage, Medieval: 652 A.D. – 1500 A.D., Parthian, Sassanian Military History, Sassanians, UNESCO
The Ancient and Enigmatic Site of Susa
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-04-20T21:58:18-07:00April 19th, 2023|Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Anthropology, Archaeology, Architecture, Bronze Age, Cultural and Endangered Sites, Engineering, Heritage, Medieval: 652 A.D. – 1500 A.D., Parthian, Sassanian Military History, Sassanians, UNESCO|
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-03-09T14:53:52-07:00March 8th, 2023|Achaemenid Military History, Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Archaeology, Cultural and Endangered Sites, Cultural News and Events, UNESCO|
By Dr. Kaveh Farrokh|2023-03-04T11:47:56-07:00March 3rd, 2023|Achaemenid Military History, Achaemenids, Ancient: Prehistory – 651 A.D., Greece-Persia Links|