Below is an e-mail from a user named “Alef bet” to The user identifies himself as “Kemal from the modern Republic of Azarbaijan (thus named since May, 1918). The large size of the e-mail has been edited to help highlight the sender’s key complaints.
The e-mail is notable as it complains that “pan-Iranism” and “Persian chauvinism” are not discussed. There are two flaws with this assertion:
1) The terms “pan-Iranism” and “Persian chauvinism” were essentially invented in the Soviet Union, notably by Mirjaafar Bagherov (head of former Azarbaijan SSR) as well as Joseph Stalin and the Communist Party.
2) There is fact a large link in that addresses Iran’s social issues:
Iranian anti-Iranists and Tehranism
Subject: On your web-page Dr.Kaveh
From: “Alef Bet” <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, June 18, 2009 6:49 pm
To: manuvera@localhost
My name is Kemal and I’m from Republic of Azerbaijan. I happened to stumble upon your web-page and decided to write some thoughts. I do agree that there is pan-Turkism rising in Iran and in Azerbaijan Republic. … Why should I not side with Russians or Turks, or whoever else there, whose power I can use to calm down this over-emphasized persianness?
Of course, the fascist ideology with faces of Pan-Turkism, Pan-Iranism, Pan-Eurepeanism and with other unnamed faces is going to be on rise. I wonder would you include in your web-page under revisionist history section pan-Iranist/pan-Persian revisions? Why not? … In desire of seeing more objective, less politicized web-page of yours Kemal
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