Kavehfarrokh.com had been subjected to a series of heavy Ddos attacks. A number of these were traced to Russia to the following address (for full profile and information click here):
Leningradskiy prospect, 47, build 2, 125167 Moscow Russia
The company was contacted and they proved very helpful: they noted that a fake user had lodged a fake IP “Robot” address into their locale to “mask” their attacks against kavehfarrokh.com.
The source of these attacks are most likely from inside Iran and/or possibly their allies in Bosnia.
These internet and Ddos attacks began in earnest when an Iranian security official was exposed as a pan-Turkist advocating violence, Mr. Amin Jaafari (who changed his name to Mehemed Emin) launched a major attack and uttered threats against Kaveh Farrokh in the Kaveh Farrokh Facebook page – below is an excerpt:
این عمل شما هم بی پاسخ نخواهد بود… هیچ درجه و مدرکی از انسانیت ندارید …you have no humanity…this action of yours will be responded to…
Note that Jaafari has also attacked the original website in Iran by Iranian Azaris – see this link here …
Iranian army officer, Amin Jaafari. Mr. Jaafari is well-known for collaborating with secret services operating out of Baku and inside Iranian territory in the northwest of the country. Mr. Jaafari advocates a violent foreign military invasion of Iran to forcefully carve Iran into small states. For more on Mr. Jaafari’s role and collaboration with Western lobbies and Baku, see this article in Persian entitled “Introducing a separatist Amin jaafair who advocates a Military invasion of Iran”-معرفي يك تجزيه طلب و طرفدار حمله به ايران-.
Just days after Mr. Jaafari issued his threats, the Kavehfarrokh.com website was attacked several times. The attacks traced to Russia appear to be consistent with the activities in 2013 (Russia-based attacks and Bosnian operatives in Wikipedia). For details on the Ddos attacks by Mr. Jaafari inside Iran click here...
There appear to be links between Iranian officials and Mr. Jona Lendering of Holland and Wikipedia, on-line character attacks (forums and blogs) and a select number of Eurocentric academics against Kaveh Farrokh. As noted in a report by Shimon D. Cohen (March 8, 2013):
“…a pseudo-historian who calls himself Jona Lendering…runs a blog that provides the most biased and inaccurate information about pre-Islamic Iran…majority of the Wikipedia articles concerning the Achaemenid history…particularly …Cyrus the Great…edited by Lendering…Islamic republic has opened an office for him in Central Tehran and put him on their pay list for his supererogatory services. To promote himself as a ‘historian’, one of his friends even created a page in Wikipedia. He also began a hate campaign against those Iranian academics not favoured by the Islamic Republic, who are living outside Iran and are expert in Pre-Islamic Iranian history, in particular Dr Kaveh Farrokh….”
Cohen’s article has identified the reason for these attacks: Farrokh was being “punished” for daring to contradict the post-1979 (revisionist) narratives against Cyrus the Great.
Jona “Tehran” Lendering (left) and one of his defamatory-attack victims, Iranian historian Shapour Suren-Pahlav (right) who is also host of the Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies (CAIS) in London which provides resources for learning about ancient Iran. Lendering used his Wikipedia supporters and administrators to forcefully eject CAIS postings regarding Cyrus the Great out of the Wikipedia in 2007-2009. The reason: Mr. Lendering’s perspective that the Human Rights legacy of Cyrus the Great is “Shah propaganda”. Even more bizarre are Lendering’s attacks against Shapour-Suren Pahlav for raising alarm bells regarding the destruction of historical sites (including UNESCO sites) in Iran. Lendering has even attempted to whitewash reports that the Sivand Dam is harmful to Cyrus’ tomb at Pasargad by labelling this as ”anti-Iranian propaganda“!